
Piercing sunset sky,
you surprise me with your intensity.
You have nothing to prove,
Yet you paint the sky with virgin colors,
and streaks of light that draw me in,
consuming me as I get closer, closer.

Are you looking for me, or am I just waking up to you?
You step forward with confidence,
unashamed, yet with your shadows.
(Do they haunt you too?)
But somehow you press on with your journey,
in your delivery of the light within.

Wait, don't leave
I need to understand your vulnerability,
this bold resurrection across the sky.
Let me see you, before you fall off the edge
and I have to abide in the darkness
while you gather,
while you gather your splendor once again


  1. I love the line, “let me see you, before you fall off the edge” there is a longing that seems urgent because “I have to abide in darkness.” Hope is found as it ends because she (the sunset) will “gather your (her) splendor once again.”


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